Sixty-Five Incorporated

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Medicare News and Happenings

The rapid price increases for generic drugs

Generic drug prices of many medicines grew as much as 1,000 percent in recent years. These increases disproportionately impact small pharmacie that do not have the bargaining power of big chains.

Archive of "Medicare Mail" Issues

Access the archive of past issues of our popular e-newsletter, "Medicare Mail." You'll find all the latest Medicare-realted news and tid-bits currated by our Medicare experts.

Arthritis Today: Changes to Medicare's “improvement” standard are a big deal

Previous misconceptions of an assumed improvement standard may have wrongfully denied people coverage. Find out what these changes mean to patients and providers...

Download “Medicare Basics Befuddle Boomers” Session Handouts

Did you attend Diane Omdahl's session at the Aging in America conference? Download the full handouts for her “Medicare Basics Befuddle Boomers: What They Don't Know Can Cost Them” session.

How does the ‘Fiscal Cliff’ deal affect Medicare?

Negotiations came down to the wire but a deal was struck to avert the “fiscal cliff.” Beneficiaries have concerns about what this deal might do to Medicare. Here are two important points...