Sixty-Five Incorporated

Unbiased Medicare Help: (262) 223-3433


"The Basics of Medicare: Choosing the Right Plan for You" features Medicare expert, Diane J. Omdahl and 65 Incorporated

"When you reach 65, you face an important milestone: You are now eligible for Medicare.

Contrary to popular belief, Medicare is not free, and it's important to understand the ins and outs of Medicare before you sign up. Making the wrong choices can be expensive.

Even if you've been on Medicare for years, you may want to re-evaluate your options annually to make sure you've got the right plan. The annual open enrollment period, during which you can switch Medicare plans, runs Oct. 15 through Dec. 7.

It's especially important to re-evaluate your options if you have a Medicare Part D drug plan or a Medicare Advantage plan because those plans can change significantly from year to year, dropping and adding drugs and doctors or changing copays and deductibles. "Even if they're completely happy with their plan, they have to look because things change," says Diane J. Omdahl, founder and Medicare expert at 65 Incorporated, which helps people choose Medicare coverage."

Read more at U.S. News & World Report