Sixty-Five Incorporated

Unbiased Medicare Help: (262) 223-3433


Don't Pay Too Much for Medicare Coverage Ever Again!

Get the expert, unbiased help you need to review Part D or Medicare Advantage plans during Open Enrollment (Oct. 15 - Dec. 7) and save thousands!

What is the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period? 

The new Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period runs from January 1 to March 31 every year. Find out what you can do during this special period.

FREE Whitepaper – Got questions about the Open Enrollment Period?

Get the answers you need with the FREE "Open Enrollment Q&A" whitepaper written by Medicare expert, Diane J. Omdahl.

Why does Open Enrollment matter?

If you're happy with your current Medicare Advantage or drug plan, why should Open Enrollment still matter to you? Don't make a potentially costly mistake by ignoring Open Enrollment.

Our clients saved from $90 to over $9,000 in 2023.

Only 13% of all Medicare beneficiaries participate in Open Enrollment. Yet, during last year's Open Enrollment period, our clients saved money – an average of over $2,400 – by switching plans.

What does it mean if my Medicare Advantage plan is changing its name?

I got the renewal information for my Medicare Advantage plan. On page 5, it says the name will change from Elder Elite Plan (HMO-POS) to Elder Elite (HMO). What does this mean?

Help! My Medicare Advantage plan costs have skyrocketed.

Here is a question a friend recently asked. "How can I get out of my Medicare Advantage plan? The costs have skyrocketed."

Not all zero-premium plans are the same

For those who have elected Medicare Advantage, there are zero premium plans that include drug coverage. The premiums may be the same but realize that costs and coverage can vary considerably.

When is the Medicare Open Enrollment Period?

Although the Open Enrollment period officially begins on October 15th of each year, that's not the first or last date you should know about.

If your 65th birthday is in fall, check this out.

If you plan to enroll in Medicare during the last few months of the year, you have some extra work to do.

Why can't I enroll online on the plan of my choice?

A low-performing Medicare Advantage plan is one that has an overall quality rating of less than three stars for at least the past three years.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Learn the Lingo of Medicare Part D drug plans

Start learning the language of Medicare Part D prescription drug plans now with a free whitepaper from 65 Incorporated.

Can I buy a Medigap policy to go with my Medicare Advantage plan?

During Open Enrollment, this is a common question we'll see from people hoping to save money on out-of-pocket costs.