Sixty-Five Incorporated

Unbiased Medicare Help: (262) 223-3433


If I have other health insurance, do I need Part B?

65 Incorporated came across this question from a Medicare beneficiary. 

I just heard that if I have other insurance, I need only Medicare Part A. Part B is not necessary. Is this true?

It depends on the type of insurance an individual has. If the insurance is a COBRA or individual policy, or retiree coverage provided by a union or employer, enrollment in both Part A, hospital insurance, and Part B, medical insurance, is necessary. These types of insurance are secondary to Medicare, paying for any covered care after Medicare has paid its share.

But if the insurance comes through current employment of either the beneficiary or his or her spouse with a large employer (20 or more employees), Medicare recommends enrollment in premium-free Part A.  Part B enrollment is not necessary. When this coverage ends, Medicare provides special periods to enroll in Part B and obtain other coverage, such as a Part D prescription drug plan, a Medigap policy, or a Medicare Advantage plan.  

(Watch for another post addressing Medicare enrollment and insurance through a small employer.)

Last updated: 12-28-2015