Sixty-Five Incorporated

Unbiased Medicare Help: (262) 223-3433

Does Medicare cover medical care when traveling to a foreign country?

As a general rule, Medicare does not cover medical care in a foreign country. There are a few very limited times when Medicare must cover care outside the United States...

Do you know where your important documents are?

My Dad lives in another town. Last month, a neighbor found him almost comatose. He was admitted to the ICU with acute kidney failure. We got to the hospital as quickly as we could...

Will Medicare cover me while I’m traveling in the US?

I live in Wisconsin. I have a daughter living in Colorado and a son in California. What happens if I run into a medical situation when I’m visiting them...

How can I evaluate a skilled nursing facility’s copayments?

I am evaluating Medicare Advantage plans for my mother-in-law. Her care needs are increasing and we suspect she may need to go to a nursing home some time in the next few months...

What is a SHIP?

SHIP stands for the State Health Insurance Assistance Program, a group of federal- and state-funded programs...

Does Medicare cover dental care?

Medicare does not cover routine dental care, preventive services, most dental procedures such as...

Can a Medicare Advantage plan charge a copayment for a preventive service?

If Original Medicare does not charge a copayment for a preventive service, a Medicare Advantage...

TAKE THE QUIZ: Does Medicare cover long-term care?

How well versed on Medicare are you? Test your knowledge about long-term care and Medicare...

When is the Medicare Open Enrollment period?

Although the Open Enrollment period officially begins on October 15th of each year, that's not the first or last date you should know about...

Billed for a pneumonia vaccination

One month after turning 65, Ron visited his doctor for his “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit. During that visit, the physician recommended that Ron get a pneumonia vaccination...

During Open Enrollment, can I buy a Medigap policy to go with my Medicare Advantage plan?

During Open Enrollment, Medicare beneficiaries have many questions. This is a good one...