Sixty-Five Incorporated

Unbiased Medicare Help: (262) 223-3433

What is Medicare-Question
Does have a plan finder for Medigap policies?

Answer to What is Medicare question
Let’s say that offers a starting point for finding Medigap policies, also known as Medigap plans.

Here’s what you need to know.

At, open the box “Supplements & Other Insurance” in the blue header bar, and click on “Find a Medigap policy.” Enter your zip code. You can skip the questions about health. (The answers don’t have an impact on the results.)

The results page lists the types of policies offered in your area with a summary of benefits. Click on the link to find a listing of companies that sell a particular type. You’ll get contact information and, in some cases, the type of pricing used by the plan, for example, attained-age-rated. Then it’s up to you to contact the plans and get specific information about costs and benefits.  


Last updated: 12-30-2015