Sixty-Five Incorporated

Unbiased Medicare Help: (262) 223-3433


What is Medicare-Question
What is "MTM" and "Manage Drugs"? I see this tab with every drug plan in the Medicare Plan Finder.

Answer to What is Medicare question
Any company sponsoring a Part D prescription drug plan must have an established Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program. 

The program is designed to help drug plan members who are at high risk for medication-related problems. The program ensures covered Part D drugs are used to optimize therapeutic outcomes and reduce the risk of adverse events.

There are three components of an MTM program:

  • Interventions for Medicare beneficiaries and the healthcare providers who prescribe medications
  • An annual comprehensive review to assess the use of both prescribed and over-the-counter drugs and nutritional or dietary supplements, and
  • Quarterly reviews with follow-up actions as necessary.

Learn more about this program on


    Last updated: 02-27-2024