Sixty-Five Incorporated

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What is Medicare-Question

Do Medicare Advantage plans cover hospice?

Answer to What is Medicare question
A Medicare Advantage plan cannot provide or cover hospice services to its members.

Medicare Advantage plan members who need hospice care receive services from a Medicare-certified hospice under Original Medicare (Part A). 

Upon enrollment and annually thereafter, Medicare Advantage plans must inform members of the availability of hospice care and Medicare-certified hospices in the plan’s service area.  

A Medicare Advantage plan will continue to cover services that are not related to the terminal illness. 

Changes are coming. In 2021, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) started a three-year demonstration project to test the inclusion of hospice services in Medicare Advantage plans. In 2024, there are 13 Medicare Advantage Organizations that will test the hospice benefit in 690 counties. 


Last updated: 02-27-2024