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Medicare Star Ratings Q&A

Nov 01, 2016

5 star icon.jpgWhat are the Star Ratings? This is a system Medicare uses to measure the quality of Part D prescription drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans. It posts each plan’s ratings on the Medicare plan finder at

What does the Star Rating System measure? It looks at how plans perform in several categories, including customer service, quality, members’ rating and experience, ease of getting appointments or medications, complaints, and more.

How many stars are in the system? Star ratings range from 1 star (the lowest or worst) to 5 stars (the higher or best). Plans get a star rating for overall performance and for many individual categories.

Who should pay attention to the stars? Anyone getting into Medicare, be it at age 65 or when retiring and losing coverage, should check out the quality ratings. Then, every year during the Open Enrollment Period, beneficiaries should check out the quality of their plans and compare that to others available to them.

What are these icons? Medicare uses two icons to depict the opposite ends of the scale.

Learn about star ratings at


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