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Know What Medicare Is in Your Wallet

Sep 16, 2015

Depositphotos_5658768_s-2015.jpgI get into many conversations about Medicare with people I meet. They tell me when they enrolled and how things are working. I tend to ask, “What type of coverage did you pick?” The common reply, “What do you mean?” I respond, “Did you go with Original Medicare and a supplement or elect a Medicare Advantage plan?” With a strange look on their face, they go right for their wallet and produce some cards. Then, we have a discussion about Medicare, the path they selected, and what the cards represent. For many, it’s the first time they’ve heard about the two paths, Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage. And, sometimes, they’re stunned to learn about important implications or consequences.

If you’re getting ready to enroll in Medicare, take time to understand the ins and outs, the pros and cons of each Medicare path and the coverage you choose.

Need some help making those important Medicare decisions? Check out


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